
Garden Layout 2023

The  vegetable garden got installed last year but I did not have time to really finish it up. I have been playing with ideas and I think I came up with a good layout.

I never liked to plant in rows and have always loved the kitchen garden style with items neatly boxed. My garden at my old house was styled this way and it was so easy to maintain and work in.

This garden is not as big as the old garden but I want to maximize  my space and focus on companion planting as well. I have been doing a lot of research and taking notes on what’s good with what.

I know I will be planting Borage with my Tomatoes along with Basil and Marigolds. Still doing research so I suspect my plan will get updated along the way.

My layout is 16′ x 16′ with a 3′ Garden Gate and is conveniently located next to my garden shed. In 2022, I was able to get a lot of free compost incorporated into it and build my fence around it. This year’s goal is to get my layout installed.

I don’t want the expense of having to purchase Cedar or Redwood so I am going to go with the standard 1 x 4 x 8 pine board but am going to seal the with a eco-friendly wood sealer. I will cut pieces to length and then seal the wood on all sides before assembling. I plan to use Powder coated L-Brackets to make the boxes instead of just using my air nailer.

I am looking to have these last 8-10 years instead of 1-3 years.

Designed using Garden Planner from Small Blue Printer.

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